Make money, not architecture

We make your app architecture a solved problem.

Firebase just works for most applications, and we have the deep Firebase experience to design scalable, maintainable software within the platform.

Avoid code rot

Small architectural missteps can haunt a project for years.

Time, team churn and changing technologies can make applications

  • expensive,
  • capacity-constrained,
  • slow,
  • and hard to change.

Development velocity slows down. Costs rise. Customers and product owners get cranky.

Shrink your codebase

Let Firebase handle the hard parts.

Your customers pay for excellent user experiences, not fancy database schemas.

We use Firebase to establish a strong foundation for new and existing projects, because your application platform should never be a limiting factor for your business.

We structure Firebase applications that are

  • cost efficient,
  • scalable,
  • performant,
  • and extensible.
